DWX Roadmap

The road to perfection has no end.

DWX AI Platform

An artificial intelligence platform capable of processing large amounts of internal and external structured data, looking for opportunities to increase organic traffic and expand growth in large sites.

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DWX InLinks

Project Icarus

The internal link evaluator born to boost your organic traffic. Powered by DWX AI Platform.

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Project Hydra

Coming next

Close the gap between your site and your competitors through the dynamic generation of Search URLs; with a unique testing and validation methodology, NLP scoring and performance optimization.

Project Overlaper

Coming next

Solve cannibalization and duplication at scale. Unify multiple URLs on unique user intents by understanding (via BERT and ML) their current rankings, content entities and similarities across the site.

SEO SaaS Technology Stack - DWX

Our Technology

It's all about our vision and how we are making it a reality.

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