Good for:
- Vertical links
- Breadcrumb snippets on Google SRP
- User navigation
- Help Google understand our site’s structure
Category level 1 > Category level 2 > Current category level
Whilst adding breadcrumbs, we need to make sure we also mark them up with relevant structured data to help Google understand how categories and contents are organised.
Pro tips:
- Keep your Breadcrumbs short by removing the Home level. Typically Homepage is already linked elsewhere (logo, menu...)
- Make sure all category/taxonomy depth levels appear or else we will generate inequalities on vertical pagerank flow
- If you aren’t using a silo-based structure, consider using a dropdown menu on your breadcrumb to include horizontal links towards the rest of categories.
Breadcrumbs provide a highly recommended feature to our product, allowing our users to navigate vertically on our site. Also, Breadcrumbs let users and Google know exactly where they are within our site architecture while providing indications on how it is organised.